Brexit, and the commonwealth nations

As the Brexit debate continues in a deadlock, an immigration and racial relations expert is convinced that whatever the outcome, a post-Brexit Britain will usher in a more diverse multicultural and global Great Britain.

Alan Marcel Sanca, the chief executive officer of UK/Nepal Friendship society  and the parallel communities officer of Unity in Vision says joining the EU in 1973 resulted in the neglect of Britains’ former allies that are now known as the Commonwealth nations.

”Brexit will provide the opportunity for building the new Britain which is about our diversity and the strength in our diversity. When we joined the European Union many years ago, walls were put up against our real and long time freinds in the common wealth countries causing differential treatment”.

Mr. Sanca says Brexit will  destroy the racism and differential treatment that exist in pre-Brexit Britain.

Hear more of Alan Marcel Sanca’s views on Brexit.


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