Coming home – Bournemouth’s Anne Frank Legacy

The legacy of Anne Frank has come back home to Bournemouth.

The Anne Frank Trust UK was created by a Wimborne woman, Gillian Walnes Perry, in 1990.

Ms Walnes Perry was herself inspired by the  Anne Frank exhibition which had come to the UK in 1986 and visited Bournemouth in 1989. She then helped organise the Bournemouth exhibition which received over 10,000 visitors.

Ms. Walnes Perry  is currently on a tour of the UK and US promoting her book  book ‘The Legacy of Anne Frank’.

The work, which is in its second edition, is based on her three decades of experience as the then Executive Director of the UK trust and details the global impact of Anne Frank.

The co-founder of the charity describes her experience working with the Anne Frank Trust UK as phenomenal.

“In my book it describes what it personally meant to me to be running the organisation… and to have the privilege of meeting many people who knew Anne Frank or knew her father Otto Frank, and shared their insights with me”.

Gillian Walnes Perry described to The Breaker how the Anne Frank Trust UK grew from a one-woman operation in Wimborne to a well-established charity in London with 35 paid staff. She says it is quite fitting to bring the tour here.

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