New primary school decision due

The council is making final arrangements to propose the opening of a new primary school, as well as extend existing Bournemouth primary schools this week, after public consultation ended on Friday.

The decision to open a new primary school and extend selected existing primary schools in Bournemouth is to be made by Bournemouth Council this week after public consultation ended on Friday.

New primary schools to be opened

The Council have to accommodate an extra 400 school places for 2013 to meet the growing population needs in Bournemouth.

A questionnaire released in December on proposed primary school admission numbers for the 2013/14 academic year, asked the public if they supported the proposal by the Bishop of Winchester Academy to extend primary education in the former Townsend school which closed after failing OFSTED in 2008.

Councillor Barry Goldbart said: “Regardless of where it is, the Bishop of Winchester knows it would like to put it’s method of teaching into a primary unit.

“I think people will be fighting for places at that primary school, there will be funds available for them to open up a new primary school in either the Kinson or Townsend area.”

The site for the school is between Bournemouth Training Centre, the former Townsend school or rebuilding a new primary school in Kinson.

“The plans to build a new school is a long way off, but we have allocated funding for the Bishop of Winchester to extend.” Said Cllr Barry Goldbart.

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