Occupy protesters camped outside Bournemouth University say students are “disinterested and unconcerned” about the protest happening on their campus.
Occupier Alex, also a member of online protest group Anonymous, said: “I see many students stare at the tents and just walk by. Why don’t they come and ask us what we are doing on their campus.”

He added: “Students should be aware of what is happening in this country as the job market is quite flooded.
“About 700,000 public jobs are going, which will flood the private sector and then all new graduates are going to end up working in Tesco. The only people benefiting from that is Tesco’s corporation because they are getting slave labour for a minimum wage.
“There is such a huge economic divide between the rich and the poor within the UK. This country has some of the highest earners in the world, yet there is so much homelessness and unemployment. If the rich had their tax bill increased by 10% for just 365 days we would have no national deficits.”
Occupiers are also demanding the right to appeal against their previous eviction from St Pauls Cathedral in London on 28 February after occupying the area for over three months.
Alex said: “In my mind if you don’t even have the right to appeal, you do not have democracy.”
They are hoping to meet with Chancellor Lord Philips, president of Supreme Court of Justice.
He added: “What’s the point in having a supreme court of justice if you can’t even have an appeal in it. We are working towards a fairer world without social or economic injustice.”
The protesters are planning to convert one of the tents into a library to make their stay more interesting – as it could be more than a week.