Woman on trial for sex with schoolboys

A Bournemouth mother of five had sex with two boys aged 13 and 14, providing parties with alcohol for them at her house, a court heard.

The 42 year-old woman slept with the schoolboys in April 2010 knowing they were under the age of 16, both on consecutive occasions and once on a separate occasion, Bournemouth Crown Court heard.

The boys claim they were offered sex in return for vandalising a car. It is also claimed that she sent texts with question marks  to the boys when demanding sex while they were at school.

When questioned by the police on September 14th 2010 she denied contacting the boys, but phone call records suggests that she made around 500 calls and texts to them.

The accused denies having unlawful sex with a child, which carries a maximum sentence of 14 years imprisonment.

Prosecutor Stephen Dent said: “The seriousness of this case lies in treating children like adults (…) and giving them a reward that she should not have.”

The trial continues.

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