Boscombe could get more family houses and youth facilities if community and neighbourhood projects are overhauled at a forum next week.
Chairman of Boscombe Community Forum Harry Seccombe said the proposals are good for the area: “the plan allows us to get the right type of development for our community and includes neighbourhood development plans, neighbourhood development orders and Community Right to Build orders.”
Boscombe has historically been seen as a high crime area, relative to Dorset county, but the Bournemouth Council is taking steps to change that which include the Boscombe Regeneration Plan (BRP).
Seccombe said that people in Boscombe need more family houses and youth facilities to help develop the community:
“The neighbourhood plan has many different facets, it can be pro-development and it could be that we want more family houses in Boscombe which people have said but it’s diffcult to make it happen.”
Seccombe said that as part of the development plan they can designate empty spaces for development and approve the building of an art centre or community field if the the community needs it.
The plan being unveiled will allow developers to expand and build only to what is outlined on the plan.
The forum will take place at the Kings Park School in Boscombe on 12th March at 7 pm.