Bournemouth man guilty of drugs possession

A Bournemouth man has been sentenced to a 12 month community order for the possession of large quantities of illicit drugs.
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A Bournemouth man was convicted of being in possession of “nine packs” of class A drugs, on Thursday.

Ismail Osman, a resident of Bournemouth, was sentenced to a 12-month community order, by the sitting District Judge, at the Bournemouth Magistrates Court. Additional sentences included a 12-month supervision requirement and a 12-month rehabilitation requirement. Osman was given the sentence after he pleaded guilty to two charges of possession of drugs.

During a search by the Dorset police at his residence in August last year, on the suspicion of an offence under the Misuse of Drugs Act , the police found large quantities of Diamorphine and Cocaine. The court heard that the defendant was making an application for the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs.

The District Judge said, “We have reduced your sentence since you pleaded guilty to the two offences. Had you not done so, the sentence could have been much harsher.”

The defendant was also charged with an £85 fine due to the court as court fee, to be paid within 14 days. The District Judge warned the defendant, “if you broke any of these conditions, then your sentence could be increased or you could be sent to prison.”

Since the defendant could not pay the said fine in court, the District Judge announced a “collection order” for him.

The court also set the date for reviewing the progress of the defendant, as March 9th.

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