Dorset attracts TV drama

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Dorset coastline is one of the stars of  Broadchurch drama which will be shown in the first week of March.

Broadchurch, staring David Tennant and Olivia Colman, was filmed in Breidport coast , in West Dorset.

The first episode consists of eight parts about the death of a local boy Danny Latimer.

Michael Tomkins, the owner of the Bournemouth Youth Theatre, said: “Dorset is a good place for filming because of the splendour of the landscape.”

“If the viewers identify where the location is that might benefit local areas in Dorset by attracting more tourists,” said Tomkins.

The drama focuses on small community in Breidport coast when suddenly people  involve in a police investigation in order to discover the mystery of the death of eleven year boy Danny Latimer. Broadchurch is written by Chris Chibnall.

The drama’s excitement increases when suddenly people discover the corpse of the boy covered by rock and his death remains unresolved.Grief and sadness dominate the boy’s family, who attempt to cope with their bereavement.

David Tennant performs Detective Alec Hardy who is not originally from the town and takes the job from a local woman, Ellie Miller, who thinks this job must have been hers.

Ellie starts to witness challenges with Hardy, but she has to demonstrate a stock of patience, because her son Tom was the dead boy’s best friend and she believes that she has enough background about the late Danny. Therefore, she thinks that she has to be involved in, but Hardy has a different perspective.

ITV will air Broadchurch on Monday March 4th.

Main photo from: davidtennantontwitter

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