Boscombe new Neighbourhood plan put in action

Harry Seccombe, Chairman of Boscombe Community Forum, believes that the proposals ideas are good for the area.
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Boscombe can get more family houses and youth facilities, if community and neighbourhood projects are overhauled at a forum meeting tomorrow at 7pm.

Harry Seccombe, Chairman of Boscombe Community Forum, believes that the proposals ideas are good for the area. ”You can designate empty spaces for development, you can actually say what you want there. If the community says they need youth facilities, they could say that on the plan.”

Kings Park School in Boscombe will host the forum where there will be a discussion on the Neighbourhood plan to improve the area, historically seen as a high crime area. Bournemouth Council responded with introduction of the Boscombe Regeneration Plan (BRP) which is an initiative to reinvent the impression people have of Boscombe.

Seccombe said that people in Boscombe need more family houses and youth facilities to help develop the community:

“The neighbourhood plan has many different facets, it can be pro-development and it could be that we want more family houses in Boscombe which people have said but it’s difficult to make it happen.”

The plan will be viewed on the meeting tomorrow.

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