Heritage Lottery Fund has awarded £47,800 to a project which Bournemouth Natural Science Society hopes will “inspire local volunteers to observe and record the wildlife of Bournemouth”.
A large part of the grant will go towards appointing a new officer to run the project, which BNSS has named ‘Bournemouth Naturally’.
The project officer will coordinate with local people to organise activities like guided walks and workshops, designed with people of all ages in mind. As well as family fun, the scheme will also be offering training in wildlife identification skills and how to record observations on a new database.
The initiative is supported by a number of organisations, including Bournemouth Borough Council and Dorset Wildlife Trust. Urban and East Dorset living landscape manager for DWT, Nicki Brunt said: “This is a very exciting opportunity to develop a strong partnership between organisations, conservation groups and wildlife experts, to provide a new programme of activities aimed at inspiring people to enjoy, learn about and conserve their local wildlife.”

Acting head of Heritage Lottery Fund South West, Richard Bellamy said: “Biodiversity is a fundamental part of our heritage. Supporting projects such as ‘Bournemouth Naturally’ helps to demonstrate the many ways in which local communities can appreciate and value the fascinating wildlife in their area.”
The BNSS was formed in 1903 and has always been based at 39 Christchurch Road in Bournemouth, which is a grade II listed building. The first Bournemouth Naturally drop in session will take place at this location on Wednesday 4th, 2-4pm.
Main picture: Copyright Peter Trimming and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence