Syrians save UK photographer: Storify

British photojournalist, Paul Conroy rescued by Syrian activists. Ilker Kocas looks at social media’s reaction to that event.

Paul Conroy, a British photojournalist who was wounded in the besieged city of Homs saved by Syrian activists 13 Syrian activists lost their lives after the efforts of saving him. That triggered a huge criticism in social media.

Paul Conroy, a British photojournalist who was wounded in the besieged city of Homs saved by Syrian activists 13 Syrian activists lost their lives after the efforts of saving him. That triggered a huge criticism in social media.

Paul Conroy, a British photojournalist who was wounded in the besieged city of Homs has been saved by Syrian activists, 13 Syrian activists lost their lives in the effort to save him. This has triggered criticism on various social media sites.

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